Controlling Humidity is the Key to Comfort

Wikipedia says that humidity is the amount of water vapor present in the air. We can’t see it, but here in North Georgia, we certainly can feel it!

Why does high humidity make us uncomfortable?video
Our bodies regulate heat with perspiration. As sweat evaporates off skin, it cools us. But when the air is already saturated with water, sweat doesn’t evaporate off our skin as quickly, making us feel uncomfortably hot and sticky. Lowering the relative humidity is the key to comfort.

What other dangers can moisture cause?
Humid environments can become a breeding ground for mold and mildew. Mold exposure can cause health issues including allergies, asthma and other respiratory problems. Dust mites thrive in moist environments, and eliminating excess moisture can help reduce these pests.

Keys to reducing humidity in the home:
To maintain a comfortable indoor air quality (IAQ), humidity levels should be between 40-60 percent. Running your air conditioning system does help somewhat to reduce humidity in the home, but HVAC systems are not designed for that purpose. That’s why you may still feel uncomfortably warm when the thermostat is set to 74 degrees.

Here are some ways to help improve your IAQ:

  1. Ceiling Fans: will increase air movement which helps to dry up moisture and create a cooling effect to keep you comfortable.
  2. Bathroom and Kitchen Fans: to help reduce the moisture created when showering and cooking.playing
  3. Window Ways: open when outside humidity levels are low; close when they’re high.
  4. Dehumidify: with a whole-house dehumidifier. These units run independently of your air conditioner, a bonus for our North Georgia fall and spring days that are too cool for A/C, but too humid for comfort. In the summer, a whole-house humidifier works with your HVAC equipment to further reduce indoor humidity and improve your overall comfort.

After practicing tips 1-2 above, you may still find you’re not quite comfortable and are ready to consider a whole house dehumidifier. Integrity Air installs a range of whole-house dehumidifiers, each suited to your home’s size and layout. We offer 100% free, no-obligation quotes. Contact Integrity Air and let’s improve your indoor comfort today!